Pediatric Dentistry: What Is Thrush?

Posted on: 21 January 2015

Among the different bacterial infections that can affect young children, thrush is one of the most common. This is a type of infection that is caused by candida albicans yeast or fungus in the body. It can occur anywhere on an infant or child, but when it is located in the mouth, it is called thrush. Here is what you should know about the condition and how to treat it.

What are the symptoms?

Thrush is a condition of the mouth that looks a lot worse than it is. It is identified by white spots or white patches of skin inside the mouth. It is most often found on the tongue, but can also be on the gums and inside the lips. You know it is thrush because the spots do not wipe away. If you try to wipe them, they might bleed a little or cause a small ulcer.

What are the treatment options?

Thrush may look scary when you see the white patches of skin and spots inside your child's mouth, but it is actually very easy to treat. To start with, your dentist might prescribe a topical drug. This is good for toddlers and young children because it is a liquid that is swished, then safe to swallow. This allows the medicine to get any thrush located in their throat. Throat lozenges are available for adults with thrush, but are not recommended for children as they might swallow it accidentally. Infants and younger children can get treatment with an oral medication.

Is it possible to prevent?

The best way to prevent thrush is to have good oral hygiene. Brush your child's teeth twice a day and when they get older, urge them to use an antiseptic mouth wash. If your child is getting thrush continuously, switch them to brushing after every meal. There are also oral medications that help prevent it if it becomes a serious problems. Switching your child to a diet without large amounts of sugar is also recommended. They should have plenty of dairy and yogurt to prevent excessive yeast growth.

Thrush is not a dangerous condition if it is treated promptly. If you see any white spots in or around your child's mouth, a trip to a dentist like Adobe Dentistry is in order. With a simple liquid oral antibiotic, the infection will be gone. While it is not a painful condition typically, your child may experience mild discomfort as a result, so you should get it treated as soon as possible.


Good Dental Habits - Teeth Cleaning

I've always been good about brushing after meals and using mouthwash. My use of dental floss could be better, but I do remember to floss at least a couple times each week. In recent years, I've become more diligent about having my teeth cleaned twice a year. For many years, I did not see teeth cleaning as being all that important. There were no cavities, so it seemed that my usual routine was good enough. It was after a new dentist talked me into trying a dental cleaning just once that my attitude began to change. If you have never had your teeth cleaned before, it is worth the time and the money. Let me tell you more about how it feels after a cleaning, and what it does for my overall dental hygiene. Once you try it, I'm betting you'll feel the same way.