How to Brush & Floss Your Child's Teeth

Posted on: 2 February 2015

As a parent, you must know all that you can do to help your child take care of his or her teeth. The best way to help them care for their teeth is by knowing how to help them brush and floss on a daily basis. Doing this is where some parents may struggle because taking care of your child's teeth is more delicate and fragile than taking care of your own, especially if your child has any loose teeth that may fall out soon. Here's how to regularly brush and floss your child's teeth:

Use the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste: When it comes to brushing your child's teeth, you want to be sure that you are using the right toothbrush and toothpaste. This will ensure that you are protecting their gums in the best way possible.

You want to use a soft-bristled brush and toothpaste that does not contain flouride. Flouride is a chemical commonly found in toothpaste that can be harmful when swallowed. Toothpaste without flouride must be used until your child is old enough to consciously remember not to swallow while brushing.

Brush in Circular Motions: The most effective way to brush your child's teeth is to brush in circular motions. You want to brush circularly on the inside, outside, and biting side of the teeth. Be extra careful when you get to any tooth that is loose. However, by brushing in a circular motion, you are more likely to avoid causing any harm or disruption to your child's mouth. 

Buy a Flossing Aid: At your local grocery store, you can purchase a flossing aid, which is like a long pick that holds the floss for you. This can extend to the back of the mouth making flossing teeth easier, especially once your child begins to floss his or her teeth on their own. 

Make it Fun: Last, but not least, you want to make brushing and flossing your child's teeth fun since this will help your child develop a regular brushing and flossing routine that can they live out for the rest of their lives. Consider brushing your teeth together to show that it's not just your child that has to do this for their health. You can make it even funnier by trying to sing while brushing at the same time! Also, consider purchasing a toothbrush that is fun for your child with their favorite cartoon on it, or favorite color.

By following these simple steps for brushing and flossing your child's teeth, you can be sure that their oral health is going to be extremely well for a long time to come. Talk to local resources such as Dentistry For Children & Adolescents for more tips and suggestions.


Good Dental Habits - Teeth Cleaning

I've always been good about brushing after meals and using mouthwash. My use of dental floss could be better, but I do remember to floss at least a couple times each week. In recent years, I've become more diligent about having my teeth cleaned twice a year. For many years, I did not see teeth cleaning as being all that important. There were no cavities, so it seemed that my usual routine was good enough. It was after a new dentist talked me into trying a dental cleaning just once that my attitude began to change. If you have never had your teeth cleaned before, it is worth the time and the money. Let me tell you more about how it feels after a cleaning, and what it does for my overall dental hygiene. Once you try it, I'm betting you'll feel the same way.