Tasty Snacks That Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Posted on: 25 February 2015

Just as good brushing, flossing and regular visits to your dentist are important to your teeth, so is your choice of snacks. Snacks that are highly acidic, stick to your teeth and high in sugar can damage tooth enamel and promote decay. Select from the following healthy snacks and you'll keep your teeth healthy while enjoying a break from work or classes.

1. Apples, Carrots and Celery

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are great snacks for a variety of reasons. Chewing them brushes your teeth naturally, removing particles of food stuck to them that can turn into plaque. They also stimulate salivation, which rinses off your teeth.

You get an overall health benefit from these snacks because they are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Carrots have the added benefit of being full of vitamin-A, which is used to strengthen tooth enamel.

2. Milk and Yogurt

Dairy products are full of calcium that your body uses to strengthen bones and teeth. While calcium is present in many foods, dairy items provide it to your body in concentrated forms. Low-fat and non-fat milk give you the same calcium as whole milk, but without the calories. Plain and low-fat yogurt with fresh fruit added gives you a tasty, low-fat, calcium-rich snack.

3. Smoked Salmon

Your body needs vitamin-D to use the calcium for building teeth and bones. Smoked salmon is loaded with vitamin-D. Most oily fish also contain Omega-3s, which build up your immune system. Instead of taking fish oil capsules to supplement your vitamin-D and Omega-3s, try smoked salmon as one of your treats each week.

4. Kiwi Fruit

Low-acid fruits, such as kiwi, give you a high dose of vitamin-C. Your immune system needs vitamin-C to fight infections. This snack helps you fight off tooth and gum infections. Its low acidity prevents damage to your tooth enamel, unlike highly-acidic fruits such as oranges.

5. Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

These are a crunchy snack full of calcium and magnesium for bone and tooth growth. Chewing them brushes the teeth and stimulates saliva like the crunchy fruit snacks. These seeds are also loaded with antioxidants, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on your gums and other soft tissues in your mouth.

6. Popcorn

Plain popcorn without added butter or salt is a healthier alternative to potato chips. Popcorn does not contain the starch that is in chips, which causes them to turn into a paste that sticks to teeth.

Choose fewer sugary items and more of these healthier snacks. You'll gain an overall health benefit and it will improve your dental health. Ask your dentist the next time you go in for a checkup if they notice a difference since you started eating healthier snacks.


Good Dental Habits - Teeth Cleaning

I've always been good about brushing after meals and using mouthwash. My use of dental floss could be better, but I do remember to floss at least a couple times each week. In recent years, I've become more diligent about having my teeth cleaned twice a year. For many years, I did not see teeth cleaning as being all that important. There were no cavities, so it seemed that my usual routine was good enough. It was after a new dentist talked me into trying a dental cleaning just once that my attitude began to change. If you have never had your teeth cleaned before, it is worth the time and the money. Let me tell you more about how it feels after a cleaning, and what it does for my overall dental hygiene. Once you try it, I'm betting you'll feel the same way.